Monday, January 2, 2012


people can either change from bad to good or otherwise, or perhaps you can choose to be both... but please think positively that people will tend to be a good person in the end no matter how evil they are from the beginning.. because we, ourselves might not realized that we are trying to improve ourselves, not to be a GOOD person, but better than before. However, if you choose to stay the same, it simply means that you are an arrogant person... and please...don't try to tell the whole world that it is because of your "life principle"... sorry to say...but for me, that is the words uttered by a coward who was afraid to take one step ahead and forget about the past.

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”

However, so-called "life principle" sometimes couldn't lead us anywhere, it will only make our life more miserable each day thinking about the same damn thing that perhaps the other person already forget about it and moved on. 
" How can I forgive when it hurts so much??"
All of us will asked the same question to ourselves, the same question have been lingered in my mind, every time people had done something awful to me ,however I always remind myself that, I am able to forgive those people but it's kinda hard to forget all the things that they had done, think rationally, who are we compared to Allah S.W.T the Almighty? Even when we had done the most sinful thing on earth, Allah S.W.T always open a door to repentance to us. We are only humans, what superior power do we have?. 
"forgiveness is not something we do for other people, we do it because of ourselves = to get well and moved on"

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